The entombment of Christ

An art project in image, sound and word under the patronage of Bishop Dr. Michael Gerber, Fulda

Idea and artistic direction: INK Sonntag-Ramirez Ponce
Musical direction: Regional Cantor Thomas Wiegelmann

Dear guests of the art project “Entombment of Christ / Grablege Christi“,

Due to the pandemic you had to be patient for a long time in order to be able to experience the art project in picture, sound and word “Entombment of Christ / Grablege Christi”. We thank you very much for your loyalty. Finally this year, “Entombment of Christ / Grablege Christi” will be performed.

Good Friday, 15th April, 2022, 20:00,
3G rules apply, with medical mask and free choice of seats.

Host and organizer:
Catholic parish of St. Martin, Jossgrund – Oberndorf

St. Martin
Martinusstrasse 1
63637 Jossgrund – Oberndorf

from 19:00 with reservation

All guests who have already reserved seats will receive a letter.

Unfortunately we are forced to check reservation as well as your 3G-pass / certificate at the entrance. Therefore, please make sure you arrive in advance, as we have to close the gates of the church 10 minutes before the start of the event. There is a test possibility in the community center Jossgrund with appointment booking under Teststation-Jossgrund
Thank you for your understanding.

You can still order tickets (we also keep a waiting list):
By phone 06059/1282 or e-mail Please also contact these if you wish to return your tickets.

Art tours with INK in St. Martin on Holy Saturday, 16th April, 2022, 10:00 and 11:00
without registration