Quotation from the eulogy given by Dr. Nicole Nieraad-Schalke, cultural scientist:
“-Eva – the realization- masterly….Our gaze gets caught in the astounding richness of detail of the portrayed Eva, which the “Drawer of Souls” INK was able to bring to paper with utmost sensitivity and mindfulness. The beauty of her drawing captivates us and takes our breath away.
At the same time, however, the work invites us to decode universal symbolics and recognize deeper truths. The decorative, colored apple creates a narrative moment that refers to a core scene of the Bible. Seductive sensuality is omnipresent in the drawing, but it remains open who or what seduces. The tempting dangling apple? Eva with a naked shoulder, sparkling earring and a coquettish grip on her hair? Or the mysterious “Shadow Launcher” that captivates Eva’s attention so much? At a deeper level, this passage of the Bible makes it clear that humans are not programmable, innocent robots, but have a free will and can choose between good and evil. Eva’s skepticism is reflected in Eva’s view, but also a ripening understanding that this choice opens the way to self-responsible life and thus leads to real freedom. Therefore, she does not even have to bite into the apple for this realization … ”